Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Neck Lift Risks and Ways to Treat Them

Author: A Aaronson


Every surgery has its risks, and a neck lift is no exception. Though it is typically safe, this kind of treatment can have some ill effects, both temporary and irreversible. The best way to deal with them is to ask your doctor, but learning about the possible complications before you even obtain surgery can be a good idea.

One of the most common unfortunate circumstances occurs when a patient is allergic to anesthesia. If you know you are, obviously telling the surgeon at your consultation appointment is the best idea. However, not everyone is aware they even have this allergy, and it can be uncomfortable at best, and deadly at worst.

If you wake up from the surgery feeling like you have an irregular heartbeat, itching, difficult breathing, or are sick to your stomach, these could all be symptoms of an allergy to the anesthesia, face lift surgery chicago , . In this case, you should tell your doctor immediately. These could also be signs of an allergy to any medicine that, face lift surgery chicago , was administered during the neck lift, not just anesthesia.

You might also have scarring on the treated area. Most surgeons aim to keep this to a minimum, but there is no way to tell if your skin will scar or not. Some people heal quickly, while others take time. The scars could never go away,, face lift surgery chicago , but in most cases they will fade with time. There are plenty of creams on the market that claim to eliminate or disguise scarring, so look into these if you are faced with this complication.

A hematoma is another possibility after a neck lift. This equates to the accumulation of blood under the skin. Your doctor can treat this, though if it is serious enough, you might have to have surgery on the area, face lift surgery chicago , . One worrisome effect of any surgery is infection.

If you have a fever or notice pus near the treated area, you need to contact your surgeon as soon as possible. They can give you antibiotics to clear the infection. In fact, often you will receive antibiotics to take during your recovery period in order to prevent an infection from occurring at all, face lift surgery chicago , . Be sure to take them as long as your doctor's instructions say to, whether you feel well or not.

It is normal for your neck to feel tight, numb, or tingly after a lift. This is not really a risk, as it is temporary and not worrisome. It should go away after about two weeks, but contact your doctor if you feel something is not right. Fast treatment could decrease any permanent complications from occurring.

For neck lift, Chicago surgeon offers various treatments. However you should be aware of the various possible complications before you decide to get one done. To learn more, visit