Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Dangers of Cheap Black Market Plastic Surgery

Author: EB Peterson


ALERT: Going through a Board Certified Top Plastic Surgeon Is a MUST for Great Plastic Surgery

After months of contemplation, you've decided that it's time to have some plastic surgery done. Even though the very thought of having "work done" intimidates you, you've done enough research to understand exactly what you want. You're now convinced that the results, if done properly, will be an excellent investment.

Eagerly scouring the Yellow Pages for a local board certified plastic surgeon, you schedule several consultations. Although you learn a lot of priceless information during your one-on-ones, you quickly discover that the procedures are highly expensive, and insurance does not cover anything you want to have done.

Frustrated, you tell your best friend that you'll never be able to find an affordable cosmetic surgeon. She in turn reassures you not to give up and suggests you look into the "black market" for assistance. "In places like Brazil, you can go on vacation and get a cosmetic facelift for one-third of the cost in the United States," she urges. "Book yourself a trip and go!" Instantly, you begin to perk up at the very thought of being able to finally take that wonderful vacation and get that operation, mid face lift , done.


Before you book that first-class ticket (with Priceline discount, of course) out of town, we urge you to rethink this scenario. Trust, mid face lift , us, we know and understand the expensive costs of having a great cosmetic surgery procedure done, and we totally relate to desire to save money by getting your work done on an exotic European vacation, but this isn't the way to go about it!

Like with anything else, you get what you pay for when you have cosmetic plastic surgery, whether it's a simple microdermabrasion treatment or more complex face lift surgery. Cutting corners and choosing an inexpensive cosmetic surgeon who will perform the job for $5,000 less than a mid-range board certified plastic surgeon,, mid face lift , but you can usually guarantee your results will look just as cheap. There are thousands of other women who have suffered horrible disfigurations,, mid face lift , mid face lift , from botched plastic surgery, and you can Google their stories from all over the country. Most of these women decided to go the inexpensive, black market route to beauty as well.

In addition to poor results, going with a cheaper, unlicensed or black market plastic surgeon may cause dangerous reactions up to and including, mid face lift , death. Grammy-nominated rapper Kanye West's mother, Donda West, died from a bad plastic surgery procedure. To be completely honest, the plastic surgeon's work wasn't the sole reason for her death (her health wasn't in excellent condition prior to surgery), but there was negligence on his part, as well as other questionable marks on his background.

Last but not least, a poor, unprofessional plastic surgery procedure can be more expensive in the long run, mid face lift , than one that's steeply priced, yet, mid face lift , guaranteed by a renowned board certified plastic surgeon. At first glance, the $1500 tummy tuck in Argentina can appear to be a great deal, but if you suffer complications, you may end up in the emergency room or having emergency surgery that costs hundreds of dollars. If your results aren't acceptable or you become disfigured from the procedure, you can also spend thousands of dollars on corrective plastic surgery to fix the problem. The cost of either outcome can double or triple the cost of the high-cost, quality cosmetic procedure, and have lasting negative effects.

We don't want to freak you out, but give you something to think about. Cosmetic surgery doesn't improve your health, but a bad plastic surgery procedure can severely damage your health and destroy your life and finances. Cosmetic surgery is a great risk to take, mid face lift , if you're ready to make a prudent financial investment in a good, certified doctor. Take risks to improve your appearance, but don't take risks that potentially destroy it, your life, health and credit score in the process.

EB Peterson is a lifestyle writer who shares interests in many topics, from finances to health and fitness. Her most recent love, cosmetic surgery, has prompted her to do research and provide her findings in an informative site, Cosmetic Facelift Guide ( ), which focuses on helping readers choose the best options for their facelift needs.