Thursday, January 7, 2010

Genioplasty - Alter the Shape of Your Chin With Both Non-surgical and Surgical Methods

Author: A Aaronson


Let's face it. The chin is the foundation for the face. All features spring upward like a floral arrangement from the vase of the jaw. If the vase is the wrong size, the flowers look awkward...either lost in too large of a vase, or the more common scenario where the chin is too small and therefore the flowers appear stuffed in-out of proportion to the undersized and weak appearing container. And so it is with one's chin.

A small, under-defined jowl can throw the optical illusion of size mishaps over the entire face. The nose looks large and unsightly and the neck appears huge. A person's character can even be misjudged by the correlation with the "weak chin".

What is one to do if Mother Nature has doled out the wrong sized jaw to them? Well, one option is to have neck liposuction, in order to sculpt unnecessary tissue from under the jowl, creating a more visually pleasing view by clearing away unsightly fatty deposits in the neck area.

In this procedure, the bones that are there appear more prominent, less hidden. Another, face lift surgery san jose , procedure is by simply moving the existing bone in it forward to a more aesthetically pleasing position. This is called a sliding genioplasty.

The non-surgical methods will not directly help the jaw, but may improve the look of an entire face, causing the ill-proportioned jowl to not seem so important. These methods include skin resurfacing, fillers to balance out textural, face lift surgery san jose , flaws and even a method of transferring fat from one area of the body to "fill, face lift surgery san jose , out" areas on one's face that may need it. These are all possibilities to discuss with your physician.

The most common surgical method to correct an unenticing weak jaw is the procedure of chin augmentation. This is the process of inserting a solid silicone rubberized device, the traditional "chin implant" along the jawbone. An incision is made either in the external skin of the jowl or through the interior of the mouth. Some scarring will occur with the external method, but it is rarely noticeable and fades over, face lift surgery san jose , time.

If this surgical method is chosen, it is done under an anesthetic on an outpatient basis. The whole procedure takes, on average, around one hour. The, face lift surgery san jose , incisions will be taped up for support as a healing aid and then the patient will be allowed to go home. There will be bruising and numbness initially but it should subside over a few weeks time.

The patient should remain on a soft diet as well as limit some of their activities, for example no sports or heavy lifting for two to three weeks. But the time will be well worth it when the healing has been completed and the new and improved jaw line revealed.

This one facial feature has the ability to put the entire face into a new balanced light. Whichever procedures are chosen, the improvement of an unsatisfactory jowl will bump up one's appearance to a new and more attractive level.

The chin plastic surgery in Palo Alto, CA area is usually done in conjunction with rhinoplasty to give you an enhanced over all look. To know more about the procedure and to fix a free consultation, visit