No one wants to look older than they need too. Just look at the number of people who get a face lift to remove wrinkles or liposuction to remove excess belly fat. We all would like to find a magic potion that could make us look and feel younger and bring back the bounce in our step. Research is continually going on to find how we can live a longer healthier life without age related diseases. It is true that as we get older we tend to accumulate nagging health conditions that we blame on the aging process. Some people manage to escape this and live a vibrant healthy life while others complain of more ailments as each year passes.What accounts for this difference in people's health? Genetics make up, mid face lift , only, mid face lift , about 20% of the features that contribute to us living a long and healthy life leaving the remaining 80% to other factors unrelated to your genes. This means how you live your lifestyle and what you do and don't do on a daily basis is responsible. You might not realize that many health conditions can be prevented and even reversed by making changes in your attitude and daily living habits, mid face lift , .It is a sad fact that today's society believes that health can be found in a pill. But this is not so as even with billions of dollars invested into medical research the decline in health is epidemically on the rise every year, mid face lift , . One in every two people in this world suffers from a health problem and many have multiple conditions. Many more are tired and hardly have the energy to get through the day.These problems are because we are violating basic health principles in the way many people try and live a no exercise lifestyle and continue to consume high calorie, low nutrition foods. These things do not build health but take away from it until eventually it breaks down. Then there, mid face lift , is no doctor, pill or procedure that can fix the human body once it has arrived at this state.Surely it is better to practice prevention and make sure this poor health does not happen to you no matter what your age. Being older is no reason to be sick. It is quite possible to run a marathon at 100 years and the human body is designed to still work well and be well right through our lifespan if you do the right things to look after it.Top of the list of the right things is a proper exercise program that contains mostly strength training exercise. Starting in the mid 20's the loss of muscle tissue is the biggest and most profound reason health gets dragged into a downward spiral that can continue for decades. The loss, mid face lift , of muscle tissue weakens the entire body and its systems until something fails. That is unless you do something, mid face lift , to stop it. And that something is your exercise program that can hold off this loss of approximately one half pound of muscle tissue per year which leaves many human beings shrunken, shriveled and weak.There is a lot each of us can do to stay well and live our life to the fullest. Negative health and lifestyle choices are the main contributors to the epidemic of disease that affects not only the victim but families, communities and ultimately, mid face lift , our world as well.Just the addition of a regular exercise program and avoiding as much refined food as possible will go a long way to extending your life and more importantly keeping those extra years full of strength and energy so every moment can be enjoyed.
Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "Ive Found the Fountain of Youth- Let Me Show You Too!" here: Fountain of Youth For Free Fitness Report here Fitness Weight Loss Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger.